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Let them buy houses!
National Party May 28, 2019 Share
I hear a lot of stories these days about the so called ‘entitled’ millennial. The latte-sipping, avocado toast eating young person who would rather spend $250 on a pair of jeans, than save for a house deposit. The old chestnut that young people just need to stop wasting money, work harder and stop complaining about house prices if they want to pull together a deposit.
Elections and how to win them
National Party May 17, 2019 Share
Needless to say that the Victorian Division of the Australian Liberal Party hasn’t had a fun time over the last 18 months. Bouncing from the resignation of Malcolm Turnbull, to the historic defeat in the Victorian state election to what Liberal pundits have previously described as the ‘impossible’ federal election. The Liberal Party knows what defeat and disappointment looks like, yet beneath this dark outlooks lies a positivity that is inherently Australian. Despite the awful year they have had so far, every day they get up and fight hard for their vision of Australia.
Don't write ScoMo off, just yet
National Party April 28, 2019 Share
The polls are bad, they have been for a while. The Coalition’s had resignations, more than a few. The unions and Labor are organised, well organised.
What's the deal with a capital gains tax?
National Party April 15, 2019 Share
So let’s be real, aside from the odd accountant, taxes aren’t a very interesting issue for most kiwis, let alone young ones. They’re the thing we just kind of ignore off the top of our pay cheque or the extra cost on your weekly grocery shop. They’re not very interesting, but that said, they can have massive effects on how we operate as a country and our day to day lives.
The Gay Young Nat
National Party July 29, 2018 Share
Anyone who has met me or has the misfortune of being my friend on Facebook, knows how much I love politics. However, what less people may know is that I am gay. When I first came out I had been an active Young Nat for over two years. I knew everyone I needed to know, and was friends with most of them.